May 19, 2018
Orlando, Florida
On May 17, 2018, United States Attorney General Jeff sessions issued an order overruling immigration judges and the Board of Immigration Appeals. The move concerns Immigration Judge’s authority to manage their dockets and “administratively close” cases over the objections of government attorneys. Sessions essentially stripped the judges of their independent authority to close cases, and potentially grants ICE attorneys unfettered discretion to place thousands of cases that were previously administratively closed during the Obama administration because they were considered low priority.
While there are significant questions and potential procedural violations in the way Sessions referred the matter to himself, the move threatens thousands of immigrants who had previously remained in the U.S. with some measure of relief, including many, with work permits.
If your case was ever administratively closed, we encourage you to contact our office promptly and regularly to review any alternative options you may have for gaining resident status.
Call us for your free consultation at 407-487-4558. Martinez Manglardi, we are by your side.